You must bring out how his INFLUENCE is still seen in the organzation to this day. That modern day connection is key to any publication you wish to help others with.
drew sagan
JoinedPosts by drew sagan
Would an Book on Rutherford really be worthwhile?
by VM44 ini have to make a decision now as to continue researching judge rutherford with a view of writing a book, or just let him go (after all, he died 63 years ago!
what do people here think?.
would a book about rutherford be a worthwhile project?
How would JWs run a country if they had one?
by Spectrum incan anybody imagine what it would be like to live in a country run by jws?
what would they call it?
what laws would they have?
drew sagan
Just as poorly as those who run them now.
Are the JW's persecuted in any way?
by JH in.
jesus said that his followers would be persecuted like he was.. so, are the jw's more persecuted than any other religions, and if so why?
drew sagan
I recently came across some information I found interesting. The situation in the Republic of Georgia has brought much persecution upon Jehovah's Witnesses there. Many Witnesses started mentioning "the brothers in Georgia" by name in prayers and such things. Because though of the Witness bubble, your average Witness doesn't know that Catholics and Protestants as well as other faiths are facing the same violence there that they are because the persecution is coming from the Orthodox Church.
by quango inmy understanding of the "big snooze" is that the essay maintains that jws have misrepresented quotes from secular sources.
is this message board not an obvious misrepresentation?
it claims to represent jehovahs witnesses (in its title)yet the vast majority of posters are anti jw and many have been expelled.
drew sagan
Everything you read needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I really don't think this is misleading. Discussion goes on about Jehovahs Witnesses here. Some is great, some is good, some is bad, and some is terrible. Thats life.
Ridiculous "Revelation Climax" Book interpretations
by Black Man ini used to be so into prophecy and actually loved the climax book when it first came out.
now, i can't believe i bought into that bs.
anyhow, name a ridiculous climax book interpretation.
drew sagan
There are many interpretations in the book that are far fetched and self centered, I simply can't choose a favorite. How about "These seven congregations represent a modern day circut". Thats a good one.
I might add though that in understanding a more balanced view of Revelation I have enjoyed the Albert Barnes commentary. One interesting observation is that he interprets the 144,000 as faithful christians who are selected from ALL the differant denominations of christianity, basically those who really follow Christ in their life course. -
Fun JW Trivia.... Not Really
by drew sagan ina circuit overseer i had a while ago gave the service group one morning a trivia question.
where are the five places the governing body has resided?
i'll give you his answer in a little bit.
drew sagan
A Circuit Overseer I had a while ago gave the service group one morning a trivia question. Where are the five places the governing body has resided? I'll give you his answer in a little bit. Have fun with this absurd question!
Today on Fresh Air
by drew sagan intoday i caught an interesting segment of the "fresh air" radio show.
bible scholar bart d. ehrman talked about some of the problems with a literal translation of the bible.
although i do not agree with his agnostic view, i was interested enough to pick up a copy of his book today.
drew sagan
Today I caught an interesting segment of the "Fresh Air" radio show. Bible Scholar Bart D. Ehrman talked about some of the problems with a literal translation of the Bible. Although I do not agree with his agnostic view, I was interested enough to pick up a copy of his book today. The show can be listened to here:
In the first chapter of his book he talks his long journey from Evangelical Chritianity and its literal interpretation of the Bible. In talking about a failed "Bible Prophecy" explanation regarding 1988 ast the time for Armageddon he says:
"It may seem odd now-given the circumstance that 1988 has come and gone, with no Armageddon...there are millions of Christians who still believe that the Bible can be read literally as completely inspired in its predictions of what is soon to happen to bring history as we know it to a close.
As I cannot hold fast to many of his arguments (some of which I feel are petty), his makes good points against such a literal interpretaion. There is also an interesting part of the show in which he discusses the trinity. I thought some of you might find it interesting. -
JW Group Forums - what they say
by forsharry innot sure why i've been going around to the jw forums like on myspace and such to see what they say...maybe i'm just stupid...who knows...but i was surprised at the vitriolic venom that many of the youth that still pay homage to da troof spew from their mouths.
i know i was raised jw but i would always pride myself on listening to what others said, even if i secretly didn't agree with it.
because it was a polite thing to do...and i had the truth!
drew sagan
There are those who wish to serve God in the Witness organization, and those who simply follow the crowd. I became a witness in my mid teens with no family associated with the group. I was allways shocked and offended when other teenagers made fun of and discredited other religions as "pagans" without knowing anything about them. On the other hand, I also knew a few people who had studied other religions and allways had a little more balanced view of things (although still beliving JW doctrine). I actually have heard some Elders complain about the "young ones" in their congregations because they don't have a good grip on reality. It comes down to the facts that stupid, close minded people are everywhere.
How big does the "Big News" have to be for you to not feel disappointed?
by GetBusyLiving ini hope this is huge.
like massive bethel schism huge.
like families reuniting in a blur of tears and joy, huge.
drew sagan
Nothing will shock me, and nothing will dissapoint me. I find enjoyable to "get the goods" before your rank and file though. By the way. When did this "big news" thing start. Where is the original post? Just curious.
Fist Post
by drew sagan infirst post
just wanted to introduce myself to the group.
i've followed this site for a while, but never have contributed before.
drew sagan
First post Just wanted to introduce myself to the group. I've followed this site for a while, but never have contributed before. I kinda feel like it now. Today my personalized google desktop gave me my "quote for the day". It's from author Tom Wolfe: "A cult is a religion with no political power." I thought that was interesting. I was baptized in 1999. Did not grow up a Witness, but was invited by a friend in my mid teens. Have associated with the congregation heavly since then. I currently attend the meetings, more for the sake of keeping my family togeather at the moment. It takes time to make things happen I suppose. I've found this board very informative for current news regarding the organization. I especially enjoyed the elders school notes. I'll throw in what I can when I've got the time. Thanks guys. -drew